Team Coaching

When the whole is more than just the sum of the parts

Team coaching is gaining more and more popularity. In today’s complex and turbulent world, it is not possible to achieve goals as an isolated individual, but always in the cooperation with others. Team Coaching program offers methods how to align team members around the team vision and goals, how to assign team roles and agree on ground rules. We also offer a systemic view on teams and their connection with other parts of the organization. The team will understand its dynamics better, learn how to work together more effectively and how to resolve differences and conflicts in a constructive manner.

Coaching Systems s.r.o., Sídlo: Na Václavce 1135/9, 150 00 Praha 5

IČO: 27079821, Spisová značka: C 94733 vedená u Městského soudu v Praze, +420 731 186 169