Existential Coaching

Long-term training

Training and developmental goals:

  • Professionalization of the existential procedure in counselling and guiding people
  • Development of the own competency in coaching/counselling along the maps of human existence
  • Personality development
  • Case reflections and supervision of the own activity in the professional environment

What is existential coaching?

  • Starts from an existential concept of the human being which sees the human as a dialogical being directed towards the world and confronted with concrete questions from the inner and outer world to be answered personally. This lead to central terms like existence, fulfillment, consent, freedom, responsibility, meaning.
  • Works on the basis of A. Längle’s Personal Existential Analysis (PEA) – a practical and methodological application of phenomenology. Existential coaching is an approach which applies models and methods rooted in the knowledge and experience of existential analytical psychotherapy and counselling. It provides a practical access for an essential development of the human being.
  • Aims to bring the persons into contact with what matters in life and helps to encounter themselves and others better. On the basis of the structure of existence (the four fundamental existential motivations) the persons can find their personal position and bring into expression their unmistakable, unique and single essence.
  • Has the purpose to connect the persons – according to the structures of existence – with the facts, with what is of value for them, with what corresponds to them and appears to be right and eventually with what represents a meaning to them. On this fourfold basis a free will and an inner consent to what one does becomes possible. Inner consent – that means “I can, I like, I may and I should (see a meaning in what I do)” – the basis for a fulfilling existence.


Experience in counselling or coaching, experience in leadership.
Participants go through entrance interview before joining the tranining.

The training program:

The human being (2 days)
Formation of the group – getting acquainted – introduction and basics of Existential Coaching – what is Existential Analysis and Logotherapy? – survey of existential analytical anthropology – philosophy and goals of existential procedures – the four fundamental conditions of existence and their significance for motivation: the personal-existential fundamental motivations (FM)

The reality (3 days)
The 1st existential fundamental theme: world and trust

Being able to be there – “I can” and existence – suffering from the inhibition: coping reactions – to accept and endure – protection, space, support – trust and courage – the relation to the body – basic trust, fundamental trust, ground of being – calmness, truth, fidelity, power, hope, believe – glimpse on phenomenology

The life (3 days)
The 2nd existential fundamental theme: life and relationship

Feeling of value and liking as basic questions of life – the inhibited life: coping reactions – turning towards and grief – relationship, time, closeness – theory of values and emotions – fundamental value, primary relation, value of life – love, self-acceptance, joy, enjoyment

The person (4 days)
The 3rd existential fundamental theme: community and self

The allowance to be oneself – delimitation and foundation of the own – identity and creation of self – ego-foundation: attention, justice, esteem: ego-functions – the lost self; coping reactions of the self-loss; repent – estimation and self-value – authenticity – theory of person, Method of Personal Existential Analysis – ethics: moral conscience, super-ego – leisure, respect, dignity

The development (3 days)
The 4th existential fundamental theme: future and meaning

Wanting the meaningful – the loss of meaning; coping reactions; existential vacuum – existential meaning – preconditions for meaning: context, task, future – to act, to wish, to want – existence, fulfillment, becoming – religiosity, purpose, setting goals

The disorder (3 days)
Survey over psychic disorders and principles of treatment:
Sickness-health – neurosis: anxiety, depression, hysteria – addiction and dependence (alcohol, workaholic, eating-disorders) – personality disorders (narcissism) – psychosis (schizophrenia)

Facultative supervision (2 days)

Total duration
18 days in 7 training blocks + facultative supervision


Univ.-prof. Alfried Längle M.D., Ph.D.

Born in 1951, studied medicine and psychology in Innsbruck, Rome, Toulouse and Vienna, physician for general medicine and psychotherapeutic medicine, clinical psychologist, psychotherapist, trainer in psychotherapy, Management; professor  for  psychotherapy at the HSE university, Moscow, guest-professor at the Sigmund Freud University Vienna,  Docent at the Univ.  of Klagenfurt, president of the International Society for Logotherapy and  Existential Analysis (GLE-International) in Vienna, in own practice as Coach and psychotherapist in Vienna. Scientific director of the Existential Training & Leadership Academy (ET&L) Vienna – Zurich

PhDr. Norbert Riethof

Born in 1973, studied psychology on Charles University in Prague, absolved Gestal Coaching training in London and psychotherapeutical training in Logotherapy and Existential Analysis. Director of Coaching Systems, lector and supervisor in Academy of Coaching Excellence. Runs his own lector, coaching and therapeutical practice. President of European Mentoring and Coaching Council (EMCC) in Czech Republic. Awarded by European Individual Award (EIA) from EMCC. Co-author of books “How to effectively work in teams” and “Guide to the World of Coaching and Personality Typology: Inspiration for Practice.”


110 000,- CZK + VAT in one payment
120 000,- CZK + VAT in three payments 

Coaching Systems s.r.o., Sídlo: Korunní 1773/117, 130 00 Praha 3

IČO: 27079821, Spisová značka: C 94733 vedená u Městského soudu v Praze
office@coachingsystems.cz, +420 731 186 169